Monday, March 1, 2010


I forgot for awhile
that life was for living
I forgot for awhile
that love was for giving
Love is forgiving
but what happens when ties are severed?
A distant past
A vague recollection
We were young
Our kisses soft
Sweet and cruel
Our bodies
Our souls
Our hearts one
A single entity of its own
A force between reckoned with
We were invincible
Indestructible and in love
It is with regret that I say
those memories faded
Somewhere along the way I grew old
I forgot about me
I forgot about us
But you were always there
My heart broken over
and over
I just pretended it was fair
I chose the Martyr
So I did not lose
I was afraid to be alone
without you
I never bargained I'd ever realize
that losing you was never my fear
I lost what let go
Where did I go

1 comment:

  1. oh, my darling, i am so glad that you realized! you will find yourself again, now that there is no one to forbid it!
